ITV News shines a spotlight on #PPEthatfits

ITV News - PPE That Fits Campaign

Even at home we can’t get away from you Kelly Cartwright 🦺 📺😂
In all seriousness, hats off to ITV News for shining a spotlight on the #ppethatfits campaign, amplifying the crucial conversation about women’s challenges in the construction realm with personal protective equipment (PPE). This movement is pivotal in reshaping the PPE landscape within our industry, and we need to continue to raise awareness around this topic.
Kelly is someone entrenched in this industry, and wholeheartedly embraces the opportunity to rally behind this cause, drawing upon her own encounters and insights alongside many other women featured across the regional pieces. 👏🏼

Let’s keep igniting change and fostering inclusivity in construction! 🧱👷🏻‍♀️

#ppe #womeninconstruction #construction

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