Into the Lions Den… Imposter Syndrome Galore!

The Lions Den - Imposter Syndrome

“Ever walked into a room and felt like you have walked into the Lion’s Den?! 🦁
Me! 🙋🏻‍♀️ On Wednesday night, walking into the Ballroom where the LDC Top 50 Awards were being held – I certainly did.
With a heavily male biased room, all strong, successful businessmen turning over multi billion pounds, doing all these great things – I felt extremely out of place, as if I didn’t belong. You could say the imposter syndrome cloud, well and truly hovered over me!
So it was safe to say, I was completely stunned to receive this award!
Sometimes you have to take a moment to reflect on you, and not compare yourself to anyone else. Just remember, your success might look very different to someone else’s. 💫”  Kelly.

#ldctop50 #impostersyndrome #womeninbusiness

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