This evening on ITV Anglia News, Kelly was featured as part of the discussion around the challenging situation around finding workers for the construction industry. (like most industries at the moment so it seems!)
Some days we wish we had a magic wand, to create solutions for all our clients problems and have an abundance of candidates all looking for a role within construction.
We all know Kelly am super passionate about our industry and she wants to change some of the misconceptions around the industry.
Don’t get me wrong, it can be a tough, pressurised industry (especially at the moment with housing demand, material and skill shortage) but then what industry isn’t at times… but Kelly does genuinely believe it’s one of the most rewarding, not only to develop & progress your career, also financially, but mainly because of what you create, you build families homes, create communities, provide necessities; schools, doctors, dentists, shops – there are very few careers that let you see this. 💭
We may not have a magic wand, but together we can highlight how incredible construction really is and champion our industry, not only for today but for future generations to come. 🖤